Once that you arrive in Plymouth, the town is in a minor state of upheaval: it has ran dry. There are brawls at night, and the Welsh Spearmen have been called by the Prince of Wales to break fights at night. Your unit is billeted in the Northern end of town, where frightened civilians are barricading their houses every night in fear of being invaded... by your men among others.
Mobilization Outlook
Unchanged from July 1, will be updated in Aug 1 (next turn).
- Requested forces : 1000 archers (momentum, eager, likely)
- Bows, string (shortage of strings, somewhat likely)
- Steel headed arrows (acute shortage, unlikely)
- Training arrows (plenty!, very likely)
- Uniforms, textile and manufacture (recycling old uniforms, unlikely)
- Blades (on course, somewhat likely)
- Horses (shortage, very unlikely)
- Departure within 4 weeks (likely)
It is mid-July, your men are trickling in and are getting into trouble as well. You have been ordered by the Prince of Wales to execute 3 troublemakers in a show of tough discipline. You men are confused and angry that they get punished for the shortcoming of the Prince (failure to provide drinks and shortage of other victuals).
1) Do you carry on the orders? Some units have simply dismissed the culprit after a good beating.
2) How do you handle the situation for the next two weeks? Things are getting worst every day?
From Sandy:
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to execute anyone, at least not if they haven't comitted a capital crime. If the Prince wishes to execute innocent men, he can come down and do it himself.
That being said, I'm going to exhort the men to behave better than the Welsh rabble that are roaming the streets. Exploiting certain national divisions has a purpose, sometimes ;)
As for the enxt two weeks - try and get the men to get out of town during the day as much as possible. I'd like to approach one of the local cavalry units to see if we can go on some 'joint manuevers' - maybe with the scouts. That should keep the men tired, and occupied.
The stay of execution from Sir Griffyn triggers the following TOEM events:
ReplyDeleteEvent -- The men of Cheshire rally behind their local commander in the face of harsh dicsiplinary measures from the C&C.
Outcomes -- The Cheshire archers are more loyal to Griffyn than the Prince of Wales.
Base:10, stay of execution (+1), Griffyn has lead well so far (+1), Cheshire is still considered to be backward by Englishmen (+1), the money comes from the PoW (-2).
tgt: 11, roll:14. Failure.
Internal strife is possibly the reason why most men of Cheshire consider themselves loyal to the PoW first... let alone that it is where the money comes from.
Recruitment (1000) : base:11, momentum (+), eager to get rich (+1) early departure (-2), tgt:11, roll:7 MOS:+4 2000 men (size 11), spin on equipment
ReplyDeleteArchery equipment: base:10, shortage(-2), tgt:8 , roll:8. Success, managed to make it without strategic reserve!
Steel-headed arrows: base:8, accute shortage (-4), tgt:4 , roll:13. Failure. Will draw from the strategic reserve where there is a surplus.
Training/hunting arrows : base:12, surplus already (+1), tgt:13 , roll:13. Meet target in the end, despite larger number of archers.
Uniforms: base: 8, collection from Cheshire (+1), unit pride issue (+1), spin (+1), tgt:11 , roll:13. Not enough for all of the 2000 men...
Blades : base:10, on course (+1), spin(+1), tgt:12 , roll:10. Suitable levels of melee weapons, some to spare.
Horses : base:6, spin(+1), shortage in Cheshire (-2), shortage in Englad (-2), not enough room on ships (-2), tgt:3 , roll:10. Nah, only commanders have horses.
Readiness: base 10, shortened timeframe (-2), tgt:8 , roll:15, MOS: -7. 3 size less: only 250 (size 8) will be on the first wave.
Training level: Experience leader on technical task, base:12, hunting/drills(+1), tgt:13 , roll:12. Force is rated as trained.
Discipline : base:10, riots (-2), leadership of Griffyn (+1), tgt:9 , roll:7. Suitable!