Wednesday, November 2, 2011

06/07/55 - Gronou ap Griffith

A purveyor from the King has disbursed to you the funds to array 1000 pikemen for an upcoming operation. Obviously, the purveyor has not disbursed the funds in full, but there is nothing that you can do to prove this assertion. You are to do the following: recruit 1000 men and provide them with enough funds to travel from the limit of the county to Plymouth. Once there, you will get enough funds to provide 6 months of wage up front. Men do not need to travel in column and are free to walk on their own or as a small group: you will know only in Plymouth whether you have met your targets at some point in August.

Welsh spearmen are treated as second-class soldiers because of their ethnicity and the fact that they are footmen. You could try to get them on horses, but your funds, even if the purveyor didn't scam you, are woefully insufficient for this. However, you usually play the role of auxiliary, which makes you special: you are a walking anti-cavalry wall often used to funnel the attacker somewhere, or block a flank.

Welsh Pikemen

  1. Skeleton crew of about 50 experienced trainers. 
  2. Strong Unit cohesion.
  3. Chauvinistic outlook on Englishmen.

Mobilization Outlook

  1. Forces of 1000 (likely)
  2. Spears (somewhat likely)
  3. Armors [chainmail, leather] (somewhat likely)
  4. Anticipated training level at assembly : untrained
  5. Assembly in Plymouth on August 1 (somewhat likely)
  6. Funds : low

Low funds means that it will be hard to meet recruitment target because there will be not enough money to pay the men to travel from North Wales to Plymouth. As usual, the Welsh are dealt a poor hand. About 1/3 to 1/2 of the men will choose to travel with you while the other will make their own way, unless otherwise instructed. The Journey will begin in mid-July, and should get you there by early August.


  1. Ok well my primary concern is having the money to get them to Plymouth. I will worry about continuing to pay them once we are in France.

    How well do I have the Black prince's ear? I assume he is my liege lord. He may not respect the Welsh but he will not want to hear he was robbed by me not getting the money I need. His archers need to be protected by infantry.

    I will order my men to travel with me. The more with me the better. The ones that choose to go on their own I order one of my most trusted guys to attempt to round up and push them down to plymouth. If I can get the 1000 or even more the better.

    Lots of promises of French women wine and riches.

    I want to get to Plymouth as soon as I can so we can camp and start training. even without pikes we can drill formations.

    we welsh are resourceful people.

  2. Chris, pay not mind to these notes, I will used them to resolve your next turn.

    1 ) Gronou sends an allegation of missappropriation of funds by Gareth Harsdy, purveyor of the king. The appeal is unlikely to be acted upon.
    base: 10, chaos of mobilization (-2), PoW is sensitive to the issue (+), tgt:9, roll:16. Failure.

    2) Attempt to rally before travelling to Plymouth. A technical task for an experienced leader (base:12). low in funds (-2) tgt:10, roll:11, failure.

  3. Turn Automaton

    Recruitment: Likely (11), Low funds (-2), focus on recriotment (+), tgt:10, roll:12, Failure (more to blame that just funds).

    Spears and blades : Somewhat Likely (10), low funds (-2). tgt:8, roll:10, Failure due to insufficient funds.

    Armor and clothes : Somewhat (10), low funds (-2). tgt:8, roll:12, Failure. (more to blame than just funds)

    Assembly on time : Somewhat likely (10), Gronou's focus (+1), tgt:11, roll:6, Success.
