Monday, October 31, 2011

Sir John Griffyn

Sir John Griffyn in the background.
Sir John Griffyn is one of many leaders of the Cheshire archers. A elite formation of longbowmen which forms the pinacle of the Prince of Wales's strategy. Sir Griffyn's duty is to ensure that the name and uniform (yes, green and white and one of the first standard issue uniform ever) are honoured in the coming raid into France.

  1. Personal Wealth.
  2. Knighted for deed at Crecy in 1345.
  3. Military Leader : Experienced
  4. Tactician : trained
  5. Administrator : trained
  6. Procuring (horses) : Experienced

Gronou ap Griffith

Welsh Spearmen are classed as Irregular
Auxiliary (Special) in the DBM system.
Gronou is the infantry leader at the head of the Welsh spearmen. The Welsh soldiers are not treated as equal by the rest of the forces, but it was made clear that North Wales owes to the King of England meritorious service. Gronou is committed to aquit his men with honour of this task.

  1. Undervalued by Englishmen.
  2. Respected Noble (in Wales).
  3. Military Leader : Experienced infantryman
  4. Administrator : trained

Sheriff of Plymouth

This character is responsible for the assembly of the navy, the retrofitting of ships and the billeting of troops prior to their embarkation for France. If there is a high stress job in England this summer, this would be the one.


  1. Key role in the mobilization.
  2. Access to Prince of Wales, funds.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

01/06/55 - Prince of Wales

The tower of London, today.


London's Tower, Residence 
Indebted, Resting.

The King of England is mandating the Prince of Wales to assemble an expeditionary forces drawn form his estate and from arrayed spearmen from Wales. All knights and man-at-arm of the land are called to join the armed force to resume the war against the King of France. The Prince of Wales has all authority to lead the expedition, establish discipline and reward men of valors. He also has the authority to negotiate treaties considered pertinent to the campaign, including surrenders of his own forces. If the Prince of Wales finds himself in need of help, the King of England is committing to provide the promptest help possible.  The expedition is to assemble in Bordeaux to link with the Gascon nobles that have requested the King of England's support. 

Mobilizing England for War

Mobilizing is an extremely complex operation that has been done many times in recent memory. In order to trigger the process, the Prince of Wales only need to say so and the dozen of gears will engage according to a sound plan.

This is June 1 1355. The mobilization plan aims to assemble 10,000 men, roughly equally distributed between  knights, men-at-arms and archers on horseback. It also calls for over 1000 welsh spearmen on foot in support. It will take 2 months to assemble in Plymouth while a navy is commandeered and ships are staffed and retrofitted. The sea should be favourable in early September for the 12 days voyage to Bordeaux. 
The Prince of Wales should be aware that there are three significant issues that can complicate the plans. The most important is that in order to array archers and recruit nobles, we need a lot of coins. Our funds are currently low, but we are expecting to have cash from creditors within two weeks. If these funds are not released, this will cause a serious setback to our plans. The king should also release funds within the month. Finally, a steady income from special war taxes should become significant before we sail to France. The second concern is that it is always unlikely that we will be able to commandeer enough shipping to ferry all of the horses to France. We will monitor the progress of this operation closely. The third traditional concern is to maintain discipline at the embarkation port where the troops will be billeted. Let's hope that we can sail promptly before we run out of food, fodder, or coins to keep the troops from marauding our own towns and villages.
Longbowmen of olde, circa 1415
Mobilization outlook

  1. Troops
    1. Cheshire Archers (3000) : Likely
    2. Welsh Spearmen (1000) : Likely
    3. Knights and retinues (6000) : Likely
  2. Victuals
    1. Food : OK
    2. Wine/beer : OK
    3. Fodder : OK
  3. Supply
    1. Archery (bows, arrows, strings, heads) : OK
    2. Horses : OK
  4. Navy
    1. Acquire shipping : unsure
    2. Staff ships : OK
    3. Retrofit ships (gangways, etc.) : OK
  5. Embarkation
    1. Billet troops : OK
    2. Discipline : unsure
    3. ETA : Sept 1, 1355
  6. Funds
    1. Level : Low
    2. Creditors : Likely (ETA: June 15)
    3. King's funds : Likely (ETA: July 1)
    4. War tax : Likely (ETA: Aug 1)


At this point, there is not a lot to do from a player's POV unless the Prince of Wales wants to take special action to address any of the three main concerns. If you do, simply state which concern that you want to focus on for the next two weeks, and possibly how (use the comment feature of this blog to do this).

Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (Black Prince)

The Black Prince
The Black Prince is the main protagonist of this simulation. His challenge is to lead the main expedition to enrich associates, humiliate the King of France and advance his father's claim to the throne of France.


  1. The Black Prince is an effective military leader and administrator.
  2. He has a weak health.
  3. He commands respect from his subordinates.
  4. Lack of experience: he relies on a handful of advisors such as Sir Chandos and Sir Audley.
  5. Indebted but still in the favours of creditors.
  6. Commands Loyalty: famous reputation as a generous leader.
  7. Free access to men and resources in Cornwall (as Duke of Cornwall).
  8. Traditional access to Cheshire Archers.
  9. Access to spearmen in Wales.
  10. Experience running counter spy Operations.

Friday, October 28, 2011



This is May of the Year 1355. The King of England has decided to resume the war against France. The main objective is to advance Edwards III's claim to the throne of France and free himself from the vassal position relative to the King of France as the Duke of Guyenne. The Gascon lords are firmly on the English side and are begging Edward III to intervene in Languedoc. The Black Prince, now uncomfortably tailed by creditors, is eager to replenish his finances. Finally, dukes, Earls, lords and knights are aching for a campaign to bring honour and wealth to their names.

The time has come for a Chevauchee into France.

Phases of the Game
Here are listed four phases that possibly will take place. It is, however, unclear whether these will all happen as expected.

Mobilizing England

Actor : The Black Prince (England)
The Black Prince will launch the mobilization of his Estate according to a historical, pre-planned procedure.  The challenge is to get the expeditionary force at sea as soon as possible, then into a marching order crossing the borders of friendly territory without in order to ensure a successful raid in the year 1355. The Black Prince will have to use his leadership to make this happen as the best laid plan is likely to hit snags along the way.

The raid of 1355

Actors : The Black Prince and Earls (England), various local magistrates (France)
France is taken by surprise, but the campaigning season will be short. You are tasked to tear a wide strip of devastation from Bordeaux to Toulouse. However, the English should not destroy the property of friends on their merry way to loot and glory.

The raid of 1356

Actors : The Black Prince and Earls (England), Cardinal XXX (Holy See), King Jean of France (France)
Winter has arrived and the English forces may prepare for a new raid into France. This time, it is likely that France will not stand by while its citizens are pillaged and murdered. Can the Black Prince achieve his war objectives without being defeated in the battlefield by a much larger army of French knights?