Saturday, October 29, 2011

Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (Black Prince)

The Black Prince
The Black Prince is the main protagonist of this simulation. His challenge is to lead the main expedition to enrich associates, humiliate the King of France and advance his father's claim to the throne of France.


  1. The Black Prince is an effective military leader and administrator.
  2. He has a weak health.
  3. He commands respect from his subordinates.
  4. Lack of experience: he relies on a handful of advisors such as Sir Chandos and Sir Audley.
  5. Indebted but still in the favours of creditors.
  6. Commands Loyalty: famous reputation as a generous leader.
  7. Free access to men and resources in Cornwall (as Duke of Cornwall).
  8. Traditional access to Cheshire Archers.
  9. Access to spearmen in Wales.
  10. Experience running counter spy Operations.

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